85. Wild Nothing - ‘Nocturne’ + Cherry Blossom

Wild Nothing - ‘Nocturne’ + Cherry Blossom

Ingredients: 1 1/2 ounces Brandy, 1/2 ounce Cherry Brandy, 1 1/2 teaspoon Triple Sec, 1 1/2 teaspoon Grenadine, 2 teaspoons Lemon Juice, maraschino cherry for garnish.

Mixing Instructions: Prepare chilled cocktail glass by dipping rim in cherry brandy and then superfine sugar.  Shake ingredients in shaker with ice and strain into glass.  Add a maraschino cherry for garnish.

Notes: This sophomore album from Virginia-native Jack Tatum and co. builds off the highly-praised Gemini, adding a bit more polish.  The dream in “dream pop” is front and center with spacey yet intentional melodies lifting you out of your seat to hover a few feet overhead.  This is an album one gets lost in, time effortlessly passed navigating the beautiful soundscapes laid out by Tatum, always very clearly in control as the master guide.  Make yourself a delicate cherry cocktail and let Nocturne wrap you up for an hour.

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