203. Washed Out - ‘Paracosm’ + Painkiller

Washed Out - ‘Paracosm’ + Painkiller

Ingredients: 2 ounces dark rum, 1 ounce cream of coconut, 4 ounces pineapple juice, 1 ounce orange juice.

Mixing Instructions: Shake in a cocktail shaker with ice and strain into an ice-filled hurricane glass.  Top with nutmeg and serve.

Notes:  A “paracosm” is a highly detailed imaginary world invented in the human mind.  Upon playing the first track of Ernest Greene’s second full length album, one indeed feels as though they’re being jetted away to a locale only accessible in a dream or vision…probably near the ocean and with no one else in sight.  The 9-track chillwave voyage offers listeners one last summer escape before Fall closes in with its weight and responsibilities. Made to be consumed as a whole, no one track stands apart from the rest, but instead each crashes like a wave into the next, bringing its own brief refreshment before retreating back to the sea.  As the first day of Autumn looms, give yourself one last excuse to celebrate Summer with an album and drink that put you in another place for a brief, but tantalizing moment.

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